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Runa Vimochana Ganesha Stotram In Telugu Pdf 431: A Miraculous Mantra for Debt Removal

Writer's picture: rensteafatuxaposrensteafatuxapos

Lalita Sahasra NamamTranslated by P. R. RamachanderIntroductionThis stotra (hymn which praises) occurs in Brahmanda Purana (oldepic of the universe) in the Chapter on discussion betweenHayagreeva and Agasthya. Hayagreeva is an incarnation of Vishnuwith the horse head and is believed to be the storehouse ofknowledge. Agasthya is one of the great sages of yore who is oneof the stars of the constellation great bear. At his requestHayagreeva taught him the most holy 1000 names of Lalitha. Parama Shiva is one of the trinity of Hindu pantheons who is incharge of destruction. He married Sathi, the daughter of Daksha.Daksha and Parama Shiva were not getting on well andconsequently he did not invite Parama Shiva for one of the greatfire sacrifices that he conducted. However Sathi went to attendthe function in spite of Parama Shiva's protest. Daksha insultedher husband and she jumped in to the fire and ended her life.Consequently at the behest of Parama Shiva Daksha was killed andlater given life with a goat's head. However this incident upsetParama Shiva and he entered into deep meditation. Sathi tookbirth as the daughter of the mountain (Parvathy) Himalayas andstarted doing penance on Shiva for getting him as her husband.Devas faced a great enemy in Sura Padma who had a boon that hecould be killed only by a son of Shiva and Parvathy. To wake upShiva from his deep meditation, devas deputed Manmatha, the Godof love, who shot his flower arrows at Parama Shiva. ParamaShiva woke up and opened his third eye and burnt the God of loveinto ashes. Devas and Rathi Devi, the wife of Manmatha,requested Parama Shiva to give life to Manmatha. Heeding fortheir request Parama Shiva stared at the ashes of Manmatha. Fromthe ashes came Bhandasura who made the entire world as impotentand ruled from the city called Shonitha Pura. He startedtroubling devas. Devas then sought the advice of Sage Narada whoadvised them to conduct a fire sacrifice. From the fire rose SriLalitha Tripura Sundari. She was extremely beautiful, having dark thick long hair withscent of Champaka, Asoka and Punnaga flowers, having the muskthilaka on her forehead, having eyelids which appeared as if itis the gate of the house of God of love, having eyes which werelike fish playing in the beauteous lake of her face, having nosewith studs which shined more than the stars, having ears withsun and moon as studs, having cheeks which were like mirror ofPadmaraga, having beautiful rows of white teeth, chewingThamboola with camphor, having voice sweeter than the soundemanating from Veena of Sarswathi, having such a beautiful smilethat Lord Shiva himself could not take his eyes off, wearingMangala soothra and necklaces with beautiful shining dollars,having chest which is capable of buying the invaluable love ofKameswara, having row of faint beautiful hair raising from herbelly, having stomach with three pretty folds, wearing red silktied with a string with red bells, having thighs which steal theheart of Kameshwara, having knees which looked like crowns madeof precious gems, having voluptuous legs, having upper part ofthe feet resembling the back of tortoise, having feet whichresembled the lamps made of gems which could dispel worries fromthe mind of devotees and a body with the golden red colour. Shewas given in marriage to Lord Kameshwara and made to stay inSree Nagara at the top of Maha Meru Mountain. Sree Nagara had 25 streets circling it. They are made of iron,steel, copper, lead, alloy made of five metals, silver, gold,the white Pushpa raga stone, red Padmaraga stone, onyx, diamond,Vaidoorya, Indra neela (topaz), pearl, Marakatha, coral, ninegems and mixture of gems and precious stones. In the eighthstreet was the forest of Kadambas. This is presided by Syamala.In the fifteenth street live the Ashta Digh palakas. In thesixteenth lives Varahi alias Dandini who is her commander inchief. Here Syamala also has a house. In the seventeenth streetlive the different Yoginis. In the eighteenth street lives MahaVishnu. In the nineteenth street lives Esana, in the twentiethThara Devi, twenty first Varuni, the twenty second Kurukulla whopresides over the fort of pride, twenty third MarthandaBhairawa, twenty fourth the moon and twenty fifth Manmathapresiding over the forest of love. In the center of Srinagara isthe Maha Padma Vana (great lotus forest) and within it theChintamani Griha (house of holy thought). In its north east isthe Chid agni kunda and on both sides of its eastern gate arethe houses of Manthrini and Dhandini. On its four gates standthe Chaduramnaya gods for watch and ward. And within it is theSri Chakra. In the center of Sri Chakra on the throne of PanchaBrahmas on the Bindu Peeta (dot plank) called Sarva Anandamaya(universal happiness) sits Maha Tripura Sundari. In the SriChakra are the following decorations viz., the square calledTrilokya Mohanam (most beautiful in the three worlds), thesixteen petalled lotus called Sarvasa Paripoorakam (fulfiller ofall desires), the eight petalled lotus called Sarva Samksopanam(all cleanser), the sixteen corner figure called Sarva Sowbagyam(all luck), the external ten cornered figure called SarvarthaSadhakam (giver of all assets), the internal ten cornered figurecalled Sarva Raksha Karam (all protector), the eight corneredfigure called Sarva Roka Haram (cure of all diseases), trianglecalled Sarva Siddhi Pradam (giver of all powers) and the dotcalled Sarva Ananda Mayam (all happiness). The devas prayed her to kill Bhandasura. When she started forthe war with Bandasura, she was accompanied by the powers calledanima, mahima etc, Brahmi, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Mahendri,Chamundi, Maha Lakshmi, Nitya Devaths and Avarna Devathas whooccupy the Sri Chakra. While Sampatkari Devi was the captain ofthe elephant regiment, Aswarooda Devi was the captain of thecavalry. The army was commanded by Dhandini riding on thecharriot called Giri Chakra assisted by Manthrini riding on thechariot called Geya Chakra. Jwala Malini protected the army bycreating a fire ring around it. Para Shakthi rode in the centeron the chariot of Sri Chakra. Nithya Devi destroyed a largechunk of Bandasura's armies, Bala Devi killed the son ofBandasura, Manthrini and Dhandini killed his brothers calledVishanga and Vishukra. When the Asuras created blockade for themarching army, Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari created Ganesha withthe help of Kameshwara to remove the blockade. Then Bandasuracreated the asuras called Hiranyaksha, Hiranya Kasipu andRavana. The Devi created the ten avatars of Vishnu and destroyedthem. She killed all his army using Pasupathastra and killed himwith Kameshwarasthra. The gods then praised her. She thenre-created Manmatha for the good of the world. This story iscontained in the first 84 names of the first 34 slokas ofLalitha Sahasra Nama and all together contains one thousandnames. This is also called the Rahasya Nama Sahasra (thethousand secret names). Reading it, meditating on the meaning ofthe names would lead to the fulfillment of all the wishes of thedevotees. DhyanamSindhuraruna vigraham trinayanam manikya mouli spurathThara Nayaga sekaram smitha mukhi mapina vakshoruham, Panibhayam alipoorna ratna chashakam rakthothpalam vibhrathim, Soumyam ratna gatastha raktha charanam, dhyayeth paramambikam. Meditate on that Ambika, who has a body of the colour ofsaffron, Who has the three graceful eyes, who has a jeweled crown, Adorned by the moon, who always has a captivating smile, Who has high and firm chest, who has wine filled cup made ofprecious stones, And reddish flowers in her hands, who forever is the ocean ofpeace, And who keeps her red holy feet on a jeweled platform. Arunam Karuna thrangitakshim dhrutha-pasangusa-pushpabana-chapam, Animadhibhi-ravrutham mayukai -raha mityeva vibhavaye Bhavanim.I imagine of my goddess Bhavani, Who has a colour of the rising sun. Who has eyes which are waves of mercy, Who has bow made of sweet cane, Arrows made of soft flowers, And pasanugusa in her hands, And who is surrounded, By her devotees with powers great, As personification of the concept of "aham"Dyayeth padmasanastham vikasitha vadanam padma pathrayathakshim,Hemabham peethavasthram karakalitha-lasadhema padmam varangim, Sarvalangara yuktham sathatham abhayadam bhaktha namrambhavanim. Srividyam santhamuthim sakala suranutham sarva sampatpradhatrim. Meditate I do, On her who sits on a lotus, On her who has a smiling face, On her who has long eyes like the lotus leaf, On her who glitters like gold, On her who wears red cloths, On her who has a golden lotus in her hand, On her who grants all desires, On her who is dressed with perfection, On her who gives protection, On her who has soft heart to her devotees, On her who is Sri Vidya, On her who is forever peaceful, On her who is worshipped by gods, And on her who gives all wealth. Sakumkumalepana - malikachumbi-Kasthurikam, Samanda hasithekshanam sashra chapa pasangusam, Asesha jana mohinim - maruna malya bhoosham bara, Japa-kusuma-basuram japa vidhou smarathembikam. Meditate on her, who applies saffron on her body, Who applies musk attracted by bees on her, Who has a beautiful smile, Who has with her bows, arrows and Pasangusa, Who attracts all the souls, who wears red garland, Who wears ornaments great, And who is of the colour of the red hibiscus. Sahasra Namam1. Om Sri Matha Namah - She who is the Mother, who givesimmeasurable wealth, who removes all sorrows and gives onlyhappiness - indicates also her role of creation.2. Om Sri Maharajni Namah - She who is the empress who takescare of the universe- indicates her role of protection.3. Om Sri Math Simasaneshwari Namah - She who sits on the throneof lions-indicates her role of destruction.4. Om Chidagni Kunda Sambootha Namah - She who rose from thefire of knowledge and is the ultimate truth.5. Om Deva Karya Samudhyatha Namah - She who is interested inhelping devas.6. Om Udyath Bhanu Sahasrabha Namah - She who glitters likethousand rising suns.7. Om Chadur Bahu Samanvidha Namah - She who has four arms.8. Om Ragha Swaroopa Pasadya Namah - She who has love for all inthe form of rope (pasa) -She has this in one of her left hands.9. Om Krodhakara Ankusojwala Namah - She who glitters and hasanger in the form of Anghusa - i n one of her right hands. .10. Om Mano Rupeshu Kodanda Namah - She who has the bow of sweetcane which is her mind - in one of her left hands.11. Om Pancha Than Mathra Sayaka Namah - She who has five bowsof touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight.12. Om Nijaruna Prabha Poora Majjath Brahmanda Mandala Namah -She who makes all the universe immerse in her red colour whichis like the sun in the dawn.13. Om Champakasoka Punnaga Sowgandhika Lasathkacha Namah - Shewho wears in her hair flowers like Champaka, Punnaga andSowgandhika.14. Om Kuru Vinda Mani Sreni Kanath Kotira Manditha Namah - Shewhose crown glitters with rows of inlaid precious stones(Padmaraga stones).15. Om Ashtami Chandra Vibhraja Dhalika Sthala Shobhitha Namah -She who has a beautiful forehead like the half moon (visible oneighth day from new moon).16. Om Muka Chandra Kalankabha Mriganabhi Viseshaka Namah - Shewho has the thilaka (dot) of Musk in her forehead which is likethe black shadow in the moon.17. Om Vadana Smara Mangalya Griha Thorana Chillaka Namah - Shewho has beautiful eyelids which look like the ornaments to herface which is like cupids home.18. Om Vakthra Lakshmi Parivaha Chalan Meenabha Lochana Namah -She who has beautiful eyes which look like fish in the pond ofher face.19. Om Nava Champaka Pushpabha Nasa Dhanda Virajitha Namah - Shewho has nose like freshly opened flowers of Champaka.20. Om Thara Kanthi Thiraskari Nasabharana Bhasura Namah - Shewho has a nose ring which shines more than the star.21. Om Kadambha Manjari Kluptha Karna Poora Manohara Namah - Shewho has beautiful ears like the kadamba flowers.22. Om Thadanga Yugali Bhootha Thapanodupa Mandala Namah - Shewho wears the sun and the moon as her ear studs.23. Om Padma Raga Sila Darsha Paribhavika Polabhu Namah - Shewho has cheeks which shine more than the mirror made ofPadmaraga.24. Om Nava Vidhruma Bimbha Sri Nyakkari Rathna Chhadha Namah -She whose lips are like beautiful new corals.25. Om Shuddha Vidyangurakara Dwija Pangthi Dwayojjala Namah -She who has teeth which look like germinated true knowledge(Shodasakshari vidya).26. Om Karpoora Veedi Kamodha Samakarsha Digandara Namah - Shewho chews betel leaf with the spices which give perfume in alldirections.27. Om Nija Sallabha Madhurya Vinirbhardista Kacchabhi Namah -She who has voice sweeter than the notes produced by SarawathiDevis Veena (This is called Kachabhi).28. Om Mandasmitha Prabha Poora Majjat Kamesha Manasa Namah -She who has lovely smile which is like the river in which themind of cupid plays.29. Om Anakalidha Sadrushya Chibuka Sri Virajitha Namah - Shewho has a beautiful chin which has nothing else to compare.30. Om Kamesha Baddha Mangalya Sutra Shobitha Kandhara Namah -She who shines with the sacred thread in her neck tied by LordKameshwara.31. Om Kankangadha Keyura Kamaniya Bujanvidha Namah - She whowears golden Armlets.32. Om Rathna Graiveya Chinthaka Lola Muktha Phalanvitha Namah -She who wears necklace with moving pearls and dollar inlaid withgems.33. Om Kameswara Prema Rathna Mani Prathi Pana Sthani Namah -She who gave her chest which are like the pot made of Rathna(precious stones) and has obtained the love of Kameshwara.34. Om Nabhyala Vala Romali Latha Phala Kucha Dwayi Namah - Shewho has chest that is like fruits borne on the creeper of tinyhairs rising from her belly. .35. Om Lakshya Roma Latha Dharatha Samunneya Madhyama Namah -She who is suspected to have a waist because of the creeper likehairs rising from there.36. Om Sthana Bhara Dalan Madhya Patta Bhandha Valithraya Namah- She who has three stripes in her belly which looks like havingbeen created to protect her tiny waist from her heavy chest.37. Om Arunaruna Kausumba Vasthra Bhaswat Kati Thati Namah - Shewho shines in her light reddish silk cloth worn over her tinywaist.38. Om Rathna Kinkinika Ramya Rasana Dhama Bhooshitha Namah -She who wears a golden thread below her waist decorated withbells made of precious stones.39. Om Kamesha Gnatha Sowbhagya Mardworu Dwayanvitha Namah - Shewho has pretty and tender thighs known only to her consort,Kameshwara.40. Om Manikhya Mukuta Kara Janu Dwaya Virajitha Namah - She whohas knee joints like the crown made of manikya below her thighs.41. Om Indra Kopa Parikshiptha Smarathunabha Jangika Namah - Shewho has forelegs like the cupids case of arrows followed by thebee called Indra kopa.42. Om Kooda Gulpha Namah - She who has round ankles.43. Om Koorma Prashta Jayishnu Prapadanvidha Namah - She who hasupper feet like the back of the tortoise.44. Om Nakadhi Dhithi Samchanna Namajjana Thamoguna Namah - Shewho removes the darkness in the mind of her devotees by thesparkle of nails.45. Om Pada Dwaya Prabha Jala Parakrutha Saroruha Namah - Shewho has two feet which are much more beautiful than lotusflowers.46. Om Sinchana Mani Manjira Manditha Sri Pamambuja Namah - Shewho has feet wearing musical anklets filled with gem stones.47. Om Marali Mandha Gamana Namah - She who has the slow gaitlike the swan.48. Om Maha Lavanya Sewadhi Namah - She who has the store houseof supreme beauty.49. Om Sarvaruna Namah - She who has light reddish colour of thedawn in all her aspects.50. Om Anavadhyangi Namah - She who has most beautiful limbswhich do not lack any aspect of beauty.51. Om Srvabharana Bhooshita Namah - She who wears all theornaments.52. Om Shivakameswarangastha Namah - She who sits on the lap ofKameswara (Shiva).53. Om Shiva Namah - She who is the personification of Shiva.54. Om Swadheena Vallabha Namah - She whose husband obeys her.55. Om Summeru Madhya Sringastha Namah - She who lives incentral peak of Mount Meru.56. Om Sriman Nagara Nayika Namah - She who is the chief ofSrinagara (a town).57. Om Chinthamani Grihanthastha Namah - She who lives in theall wish full filling house.58. Om Pancha Brahmasana Sthitha Namah - She who sits on thefive brahmas viz., Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Esana and Sadashiva.59. Om Maha Padma Davi Samstha Namah - She who lives in theforest of lotus flowers.60. Om Kadambha Vana Vasini Namah - She who lives in the forestof Kadmbha (Madurai city is also called Kadambha vana).61. Om Sudha Sagara Madhyastha Namah - She who lives in themiddle of the sea of nectar.62. Om Kamakshi Namah - She who fulfills desires by her sight.63. Om Kamadhayini Namah - She who gives what is desired.64. Om Devarshi Gana-Sangatha-Stuyamanathma-Vaibhava Namah - Shewho has all the qualities fit to be worshipped by sages anddevas.65. Om Bhandasura Vadodyuktha Shakthi Sena Samavitha Namah - Shewho is surrounded by army set ready to kill Bandasura.66. Om Sampathkari Samarooda Sindhoora Vrija Sevitha Namah - Shewho is surrounded by Sampathkari (that which gives wealth)elephant brigade.67. Om Aswaroodadishidaswa Kodi Kodi Biravrutha Namah - She whois surrounded by crores of cavalry of horses.68. Om Chakra Raja Ratha Rooda Sarvayudha Parishkridha Namah -She who is fully armed and rides in the Sri Chakra chariot withnine stories.69. Om Geya Chakra Ratha Rooda Manthrini Pari Sevitha Namah -She who rides in the chariot with seven stories and is served bymanthrini who is the goddess of music.70. Om Giri Chakra Ratharooda Dhanda Natha Puraskrutha Namah -She who rides in the chariot with five stories and is served bygoddess Varahi otherwise called Dhanda natha.71. Om Jwalimalika Ksiptha Vanhi Prakara Madhyaka Namah - Shewho is in the middle of the fort of fire built by the GoddessJwalamalini.72. Om Bhanda Sainya Vadodyuktha Shakthi Vikrama Harshitha Namah- She who was pleased by the various Shakthis (literallystrength but a goddess) who helped in killing the army ofBhandasura.73. Om Nithya Parakamatopa Nireekshana Samutsuka Namah - She whois interested and happy in observing the valour of Nithyadevathas (literally goddess of every day).74. Om Banda Puthra Vadodyuktha Bala Vikrama Nandhita Namah -She who was pleased by the valour of Bala devi (her daughter) indestroying the sons of Banda.75. Om Manthrinyamba Virachitha Vishangavatha Doshitha Namah -She who became happy at seeing Goddess Manthrini kill Vishanga(this ogre (brother of Banda) represents our desires forphysical things).76. Om Vishuka Prana Harana Varahi Veeerya Nandhitha Namah - Shewho appreciates the valour of Varahi in killing Vishuka (anotherbrother of Banda-he is personification of ignorance).77. Om Kameshwara Mukaloka Kalpitha Sri Ganeshwara Namah - Shewho created God Ganesh by the mere look of the face of her Lord,Kameshwara.78. Om Mahaganesha Nirbhinna Vignayanthra Praharshitha Namah -She who became happy at seeing Lord Ganesha destroy the VignaYanthra (contraption meant to delay) created by Vishuka.79. Om Banda Surendra Nirmuktha Sashtra Prathyasthra VarshaniNamah - She who rained arrows and replied with arrows againstBandasura.80. Om Karanguli Nakhothpanna Narayana Dasakrithi Namah - Shewho created the ten avatharas of Narayana from the tip of hernails (when Bandasura send the Sarvasura asthra (arrow), shedestroyed it by creating the ten avatharas of Vishnu).81. Om Maha Pasupathasthragni Nirdagdhasura Sainika Namah - Shewho destroyed the army of asuras by the Maha pasupatha arrow. .82. Om Kameshwarasthra Nirdhagdha Sabandasura Sunyaka Namah -She who destroyed Bandasura and his city called sunyaka by theKameshwara arrow. .83. Om Brahmopendra Mahendradhi Deva Samsthutha Vaibhava Namah -She who is prayed by Lord Brahma, Vishnu, indra and other devas.84. Om Hara Nethragni Sandhagdha Kama Sanjeevanoushadhi Namah -She who brought back to life the God of love Manmatha who wasburnt to ashes by the fire from the eyes of Shiva.85. Om Sri Vagbhave Koodaiga Swaroopa Mukha Pankaja Namah - Shewhose lotus face is Vagnhava Koota.86. Om Kantatha Kadi Paryantha Madhya Koodaiga Swaroopini Namah- She whose portion from neck to hips is Madya koota.87. Om Sakthi Koodaiga Thapanna Kadyatho Bhaga Dharini Namah -She whose portion below hips is the Shakthi koota.88. Om Moola Manthrathmikha Namah - She who is the meaning ofMoola Manthra (root manthra) or She who is the cause.89. Om Moola Kooda Thraya Kalebhara Namah - She whose body isthe three parts of the basic manthra i. e. Pancha dasaksharimanthra.90. Om Kulamruthaika Rasika Namah - She who enjoys the ecstaticstate of oneness of one who sees, sight and what is seen or Shewho gets pleasure in drinking the nectar flowing from thethousand petalled lotus below the brain. .91. Om Kula Sanketha Palini Namah - She who protects powerfultruths from unsuitable people.92. Om Kulangana Namah - She who is a lady belonging to culturedfamily or She who is like Sri Vidya known only to one whom itbelongs.93. Om Kulanthastha Namah - She who is fit to be worshipped anywhere.94. Om Kaulini Namah - She who is the unification of theprinciples of Shiva and Shakthi.95. Om Kula Yogini Namah - She who is related to the family orShe who is related to the ultimate knowledge.96. Om Akula Namah - She who is beyond kula or She who is beyondany knowledge.97. Om Samayanthastha Namah - She who is within the mentalworship of Shiva and Shakthi.98. Om Samayachara That Para Namah - She who likes Samayacharai. e. worship stepwise from Mooladhara Chakra.99. Om Moladharaika Nilaya Namah - She who exists in MooladharaIn Mooladhara which is in the form of four petalled lotus thekundalini sleeps. .100. Om Brahma Grandhi Vibhedini Namah - She who breaks the tiein Brahma Grandhi i. e she who helps us to cross the ties due toour birth. .101. Om Mani Poorantharudhitha Namah - She who exists in ManiPooraka Chakra dressed in her fineries.102. Om Vishnu Grandhi Vibedhini Namah - She who breaks the tiesof Vishnu Grandhi i. e she who helps us cross the ties due toour position. .103. Om Agna Chakarantharalastha Namah - She who lives inbetween two eye lids in the form of she who orders.104. Om Rudra Grandhi Vibhedini Namah - She who breaks the tiesof Rudra Grandhi i. e she who helps us cross the ties due to ourviolent thoughts and nature.105. Om Sahararambhujarooda Namah - She who has climbedsahasrara the thousand petalled lotus which is the point ofultimate awakening.106. Om Sudha Sarabhi Varshini Namah - She who makes nectar flowin all our nerves from sahasrara i. e. she who gives the verypleasant experience of the ultimate.107. Om Thadillatha Samaruchya Namah - She who shines like thestreak of lightning.108. Om Shad Chakropari Samshitha Namah - She who is on the topof six wheels starting from mooladhara.109. Om Maha Ssakthya Namah - She who likes worship by herdevotees.110. Om Kundalini Namah - She who is in the form of Kundalini (aform which is a snake hissing and exists in mooladhara).111. Om Bisa Thanthu Thaniyasi Namah - She who is as thin as thethread from lotus.112. Om Bhavani Namah - She who gives life to the routine lifeof human beings or She who is the consort of Lord Shiva.113. Om Bhavana Gamya Namah - She who can be attained bythinking.114. Om Bhavarany Kudariga Namah - She who is like the axe usedto cut the miserable life of the world.115. Om Bhadra Priya Namah - She who is interested in doing goodto her devotees.116. Om Bhadra Moorthy Namah - She who is personification of allthat is good.117. Om Bhaktha Sowbhagya Dhayini Namah - She who gives all goodand luck to her devotees.118. Om Bhakthi Priya Namah - She who likes devotion to her.119. Om Bhakthi Gamya Namah - She who can be reached bydevotion.120. Om Bhakthi Vasya Namah - She who can be controlled bydevotion.121. Om Bhayapaha Namah - She who removes fear.122. Om Sambhavya Namah - She who is married to Shambhu.123. Om Saradharadya Namah - She who is to be worshipped duringNavarathri celebrated during autumn.124. Om Sarvani Namah - She who is the consort of Lord Shiva inthe form of Sarvar.125. Om Sarmadhayini Namah - She who gives pleasures.126. Om Sankari Namah - She who is the consort of Sankara.127. Om Sreekari Namah - She who gives all forms of wealth andhappiness.128. Om Sadhwi Namah - She who is eternally devoted to herhusband.129. Om Sarat Chandra Nibhanana Namah - She who has the facelike moon in the autumn.130. Om Satho Dhari Namah - She who has a thin belly.131. Om Santhimathi Namah - She who is peace personified.132. Om Niradhara Namah - She who does not need any support toherself.133. Om Niranjana Namah - She who is devoid of any blemishes orscars.134. Om Nirlepa Namah - She who does not have any attachment.135. Om Nirmala Namah - She who is personification of clarity orShe who is devoid of any dirt.136. Om Nithya Namah - She who is permanently stable.137. Om Nirakara Namah - She who does not have any shape.138. Om Nirakula Namah - She who cannot be attained by confusedpeople. 139. Om Nirguna Namah - She who is beyond any characteristics.140. Om Nishkala Namah - She who is not divided.141. Om Santha Namah - She who is peace.142. Om Nishkama Namah - She who does not have any desires.143. Om Niruppallava Namah - She who is never destroyed.144. Om Nithya Muktha Namah - She who is forever free of theties of the world.145. Om Nirvikara Namah - She who never undergoes alteration.146. Om Nishprapancha Namah - She who is beyond this world.147. Om Nirasraya Namah - She who does not need support.148. Om Nithya Shuddha Namah - She who is forever clean.149. Om Nithya Bhuddha Namah - She who is for ever knowledge.150. Om Niravadhya Namah - She who can never be accused.151. Om Niranthara Namah - She who is forever continuous.152. Om Nishkarana Namah - She who does not have cause.153. Om Nishkalanka Namah - She who does not have blemishes.154. Om Nirupadhi Namah - She who does not have basis.155. Om Nireeswara Namah - She who does not have any onecontrolling her.156. Om Neeraga Namah - She who does not have any desires.157. Om Ragha Madhani Namah - She who removes desires from us.158. Om Nirmadha Namah - She who does not have any firm beliefs.159. Om Madhanasini Namah - She who destroys beliefs.160. Om Nischintha Namah - She who is not worried.161. Om Nirahankara Namah - She who does not have an ego.162. Om Nirmoha Namah - She who does not have any passion.163. Om Mohanasini Namah - She who destroys passion.164. Om Nirmama Namah - She who does not have selfish feelings.165. Om Mamatha Hanthri Namah - She who destroys selfishness.166. Om Nishpapa Namah - She who does not have any sin.167. Om Papa Nashini Namah - She who destroys sin.168. Om Nishkrodha Namah - She who is devoid of anger.169. Om Krodha -Samani Namah - She who destroys anger.170. Om Nir Lobha Namah - She who is not miserly.171. Om Lobha Nasini Namah - She who removes miserliness.172. Om Nissamsaya Namah - She who does not have any doubts.173. Om Samsayagni Namah - She who clears doubts.174. Om Nirbhava Namah - She who does not have another birth.175. Om Bhava Nasini Namah - She who helps us not have anotherbirth.176. Om Nirvikalpa Namah - She who does not do anything she doesnot desire.177. Om Nirabhadha Namah - She who is not affected by anything.178. Om Nirbhedha Namah - She who does not have any difference.179. Om Bhedha Nasini Namah - She who promotes oneness.180. Om Nirnasa Namah - She who does not die.181. Om Mrityu Madhani Namah - She who removes fear of death.182. Om Nishkriya Namah - She who does not have any work.183. Om Nishparigraha Namah - She who does not accept help fromothers.184. Om Nisthula Namah - She who does not have anything to becompared to.185. Om Neela Chikura Namah - She who has dark black hair.186. Om Nirapaya Namah - She who is never destroyed.187. Om Nirathyaya Namah - She who does not cross limits ofrules she herself created.188. Om Dhurlabha Namah - She who is difficult to obtain.189. Om Dhurgama Namah - She who can not be neared easily.190. Om Dhurga Namah - She who is Dhurga who is a nine year oldgirl.191. Om Dhuka Hanthri Namah - She who removes sorrows.192. Om Sukha Prada Namah - She who gives pleasures andhappiness.193. Om Dushta Doora Namah - She who keeps far away from evilmen.194. Om Durachara Samani Namah - She who destroys evilpractices.195. Om Dosha Varjitha Namah - She who does not have anythingbad.196. Om Sarvangna Namah - She who knows everything.197. Om Saandra Karuna Namah - She who is full of mercy.198. Om Samanadhika Varjitha Namah - She who is incomparable.199. Om Sarva Shakthi Mayi Namah - She who has personificationof all strengths.200. Om Sarva Mangala Namah - She who is personification of allthat is good.201. Om Sad Gathi Prada Namah - She who gives us good path.202. Om Sarveshwari Namah - She who is goddess of all.203. Om Sarva Mayi Namah - She who is everywhere.204. Om Sarva Manthra Swaroopini Namah - She who ispersonification of all manthras.205. Om Sarva Yanthrathmika Namah - She who is represented byall yantras (Talisman).206. Om Sarva Thanthra Roopa Namah - She who is also goddess ofall Thanthras (method of worship).207. Om Manonmani Namah - She who is the result of mentalthoughts of thoughts and actions.208. Om Maaheswari Namah - She who is the consort of Maheswara(Lord of everything).209. Om Mahaa Devi Namah - She who is the consort of Mahe Deva(God of all gods).210. Om Maha Lakshmi Namah - She who takes the form ofMahalaksmi, the goddess of wealth.211. Om Mrida Priya Namah - She who is dear to Mrida (a name ofLord Shiva).212. Om Maha Roopa Namah - She who is very big.213. Om Maha Poojya Namah - She who is fit to be worshipped bygreat people.214. Om Maha Pathaka Nasini Namah - She who destroys the majormisdemeanors.215. Om Maha Maya Namah - She who is the great illusion.216. Om Maha Sathva Namah - She who is greatly knowledgeable.217. Om Maha Sakthi Namah - She who is very strong.218. Om Maha Rathi Namah - She who gives great happiness.219. Om Maha Bhoga Namah - She who enjoys great pleasures.220. Om Mahaiswarya Namah - She who has great wealth.221. Om Maha Veerya Namah - She who has great valour.222. Om Maha Bala Namah - She who is very strong.223. Om Maha Bhudhi Namah - She who is very intelligent.224. Om Maha Sidhi Namah - She who has great super naturalpowers.225. Om Maha Yogeswareswari Namah - She who is goddess of greatyogis.226. Om Mahathanthra Namah - She who has the greatest Thantrasasthras.227. Om Mahamanthra Namah - She who has the greatest manthras.228. Om Mahayanthra Namah - She who has the greatest yanthras.229. Om Mahasana Namah - She who has the greatest seat.230. Om Maha Yaga Kramaradhya Namah - She who should beworshipped by performing great sacrifices (Bhavana yaga andChidagni Kunda yaga).231. Om Maha Bhairava Poojitha Namah - She who is beingworshipped by the great Bhairava.232. Om Maheswara Mahakalpa Maha Thandava Sakshini Namah - Shewho will be the witness to the great dance to be performed bythe great lord at the end of the worlds.233. Om Maha Kamesha Mahishi Namah - She who is the primeconsort of the great Kameshwara.234. Om Maha Tripura Sundari Namah - She who is the beauty ofthe three great cities.235. Om Chatustatyupacharadya Namah - She who should beworshipped with sixty four offerings.236. Om Chathu Sashti Kala Mayi Namah - She who has sixty foursections.237. Om Maha Chathusashti Kodi Yogini Gana Sevitha Namah - Shewho is being worshipped by the sixty four crore yoginis in thenine different charkas.238. Om Manu Vidya Namah - She who is personification of SriVidya as expounded by Manu.239. Om Chandra Vidya Namah - She who is personification of SriVidya as expounded by Moon.240. Om Chandra Mandala Madhyaga Namah - She who is in thecenter of the universe around the moon.241. Om Charu Roopa Namah - She who is very beautiful.242. Om Charu Hasa Namah - She who has a beautiful smile.243. Om Charu Chandra Kaladhara Namah - She who wears thebeautiful crescent.244. Om Charachara Jagannatha Namah - She who is the Lord of allmoving and immobile things.245. Om Chakra Raja Nikethana Namah - She who lives in themiddle of Sree Chakra.246. Om Parvathi Namah - She who is the daughter of themountain.247. Om Padma Nayana Namah - She who has eyes like the lotus.248. Om Padma Raga Samaprabha Namah - She who shines as much asthe Padma Raga jewel.249. Om Pancha Prethasana Seena Namah - She who sits on the seatof five dead bodies (these are Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Eesa andSadasiva without their Shakthi (consort)).250. Om Pancha Brahma Swaroopini Namah - She who ispersonification of five brahmas (they are the gods mentioned inthe last name with their Shakthi).251. Om Chinmayi Namah - She who is the personification actionin every thing.252. Om Paramananda Namah - She who is supremely happy.253. Om Vignana Gana Roopini Namah - She who is thepersonification of knowledge based on science.254. Om Dhyana Dhyathru Dhyeya Roopa Namah - She who ispersonification of meditation, the being who meditates and whatis being meditated upon.255. Om Dharmadhrama Vivarjitha Namah - She who is beyondKustice and Injustice.256. Om Viswa Roopa Namah - She who has the form of theuniverse.257. Om Jagarini Namah - She who is always awake.258. Om Swapanthi Namah - She who is always in the state ofdream.259. Om Thaijasathmika Namah - She who is the form of Thaijasawhich is microbial concept.260. Om Suptha Namah - She who is in deep sleep.261. Om Prangnathmika Namah - She who is awake.262. Om Thurya Namah - She who is in trance.263. Om Sarvavastha Vivarjitha Namah - She who is above allstates.264. Om Srishti Karthri Namah - She who creates.265. Om Brahma Roopa Namah - She who is the personification ofultimate.266. Om Gopthri Namah - She who saves.267. Om Govinda Roopini Namah - She who is of the form ofGovinda.268. Om Samharini Namah - She who destroys.269. Om Rudhra Roopa Namah - She who is of the form of Rudhra.270. Om Thirodhana Kari Namah - She who hides herself from us.271. Om Eeswari Namah - She who is of the form of easwara.272. Om Sadashivaa Namah - She who is of the form of Sadashiva.273. Om Anugrahada Namah - She who blesses.274. Om Pancha Krithya Parayana Namah - She who is engaged inthe five duties of creation, existence, dissolving,disappearing, and blessing.275. Om Bhanu Mandala Madhyastha Namah - She who is in themiddle of the sun's universe.276. Om Bhairavi Namah - She who is the consort of Bhairava.277. Om Bhaga Malini Namah - She who is the goddess BhagaMalini.278. Om Padmasana Namah - She who sits on a lotus.279. Om Bhagavathi Namah - She who is with all wealth andknowledge.280. Om Padmanabha Sahodari Namah - She who is the sister ofVishnu.281. Om Unmesha Nimishotpanna Vipanna Bhuvanavali Namah - Shewho creates and destroys the universe by opening and closing ofher eye lids.282. Om Sahasra Seersha Vadana Namah - She who has thousands offaces and heads.283. Om Saharakshi Namah - She who has thousands of eyes.284. Om Sahasra Path Namah - She who has thousands of feet.285. Om Aabrahma Keeda Janani Namah - She who has created allbeings from worm to Lord Brahma.286. Om Varnashrama Vidhayini Namah - She who created the fourfold division of society.287. Om Nijangna Roopa Nigama Namah - She who gave orders whichare based on Vedas.288. Om Punyapunya Phala Pradha Namah - She who givescompensation for sins and good deeds.289. Om Sruthi Seemantha Kula Sindhoori Kritha Padabjha DhooligaNamah - She whose dust from her lotus feet is the sindhoorafills up in the parting of the hair of the Vedic mother.290. Om Sakalagama Sandoha Shukthi Samputa Maukthika Namah - Shewho is like the pearl in the pearl holding shell of Vedas.291. Om Purashartha Pradha Namah - She who gives us thepurusharthas of Charity, assets, joy and moksha.292. Om Poorna Namah - She who is complete.293. Om Bhogini Namah - She who enjoys pleasures.294. Om Bhuvaneshwari Namah - She who is the Goddess presidingover the universe.295. Om Ambika Namah - She who is the mother of the world.296. Om Anadhi Nidhana Namah - She who does not have either endor beginning.297. Om Hari Brahmendra Sevitha Namah - She who is served byGods like Vishnu, Indra and Brahma.298. Om Naarayani Namah - She who is like Narayana.299. Om Naada Roopa Namah - She who is the shape of music(sound).300. Om Nama Roopa Vivarjitha Namah - She who does not haveeither name or shape.301. Om Hrim Kari Namah - She who makes the holy sound Hrim.302. Om Harimathi Namah - She who is shy.303. Om Hrudya Namah - She who is in the heart (devotees).304. Om Heyopadeya Varjitha Namah - She who does not haveaspects which can be accepted or rejected.305. Om Raja Rajarchitha Namah - She who is being worshipped byking of kings.306. Om Rakhini Namah - She who is the queen of Kameshwara.307. Om Ramya Namah - She who makes others happy.308. Om Rajeeva Lochana Namah - She who is lotus eyed.309. Om Ranjani Namah - She who by her red colour makes Shivaalso red.310. Om Ramani Namah - She who plays with her devotees.311. Om Rasya Namah - She who feeds the juice of everything.312. Om Ranath Kinkini Mekhala Namah - She who wears the goldenwaist band with tinkling bells.313. Om Ramaa Namah - She who is like Lakshmi.314. Om Raakendu Vadana Namah - She who has a face like the fullmoon.315. Om Rathi Roopa Namah - She who attracts others with herfeatures like Rathi.316. Om Rathi Priya Namah - She who likes Rathi.317. Om Rakshaa Kari Namah - She who protects.318. Om Rakshasagni Namah - She who kills Rakshasas-ogresopposed to the heaven.319. Om Raamaa Namah - She who is feminine.320. Om Ramana Lampata Namah - She who is interested in makinglove to her lord.321. Om Kaamya Namah - She who is of the form of love.322. Om Kamakala Roopa Namah - She who is the personification ofthe art of love.323. Om Kadambha Kusuma Priya Namah - She who likes the flowersof Kadamba.324. Om Kalyani Namah - She who does good.325. Om Jagathi Kandha Namah - She who is like a root to theworld.326. Om Karuna Rasa Sagara Namah - She who is the sea of thejuice of mercy.327. Om Kalavathi Namah - She who is an artist or she who hascrescents.328. Om Kalaalapa Namah - She whose talk is artful.329. Om Kaantha Namah - She who glitters.330. Om Kadambari Priya Namah - She who likes wine calledKadambari or who likes long stories.331. Om Varadha Namah - She who gives boons.332. Om Vama Nayana Namah - She who has beautiful eyes.333. Om Vaaruni Madha Vihwala Namah - She who gets drunk withVaruni (happiness).334. Om Viswadhika Namah - She who is above all universes.335. Om Veda Vedya Namah - She who can be understood by Vedas.336. Om Vindhyachala Nivasini Namah - She who lives on VindhyaMountains.337. Om Vidhatri Namah - She who carries the world.338. Om Veda Janani Namah - She who created the Vedas.339. Om Vishnu Maya Namah - She who lives as the Vishnu Maya.340. Om Vilasini Namah - She who enjoys love making.341. Om Kshetra Swaroopa Namah - She who is personification ofthe Kshetra or body.342. Om Kshetresi Namah - She who is goddess of bodies.343. Om Kshethra Kshethragna Palini Namah - She who looks afterbodies and their lord.344. Om Kshaya Vridhi Nirmuktha Namah - She who neitherdecreases nor increases.345. Om Kshetra Pala Samarchitha Namah - She who is worshippedby those who look after bodies.346. Om Vijaya Namah - She who is always victorious.347. Om Vimala Namah - She who is clean of ignorance andillusion.348. Om Vandhya Namah - She who is being worshipped by everybody.349. Om Vandharu Jana Vatsala Namah - She who has affectiontowards all those who worship her.350. Om Vaag Vadhini Namah - She who uses words with greateffect in arguments.351. Om Vama Kesi Namah - She who has beautiful hair.352. Om Vahni Mandala Vaasini Namah - She who lives in theuniverse of fire which is Mooladhara.353. Om Bhakthi Mat Kalpa Lathika Namah - She who is the wishgiving creeper Kalpaga.354. Om Pasu Pasa Vimochani Namah - She who removes shacklesfrom the living.355. Om Samhrutha Sesha Pashanda Namah - She who destroys thosepeople who leave their faith.356. Om Sadachara Pravarthika Namah - She who makes thingshappen through good conduct.357. Om Thapatryagni Santhaptha Samahladahna Chandrika Namah -She who is like the pleasure giving moon to those who sufferfrom the three types of pain.358. Om Tharuni Namah - She who is ever young.359. Om Thapasa Aradhya Namah - She who is being worshipped bysages.360. Om Thanu Madhya Namah - She who has a narrow middle (hip).361. Om Thamopaha Namah - She who destroys darkness.362. Om Chithi Namah - She who is personification of wisdom.363. Om Thatpada Lakshyartha Namah - She who is the indicativemeaning of the word Thath which is the first word of Vedicsaying That Thou Art.364. Om Chidekara Swaroopini Namah - She who is wisdom throughout.365. Om Swathmananda Lavi Bhootha Brahmadyanantha SanthathiNamah - She who in her ocean of wisdom makes Wisdom aboutBrahman look like a wave.366. Om Paraa Namah - She who is the outside meaning of everything.367. Om Prathyak Chidi Roopa Namah - She who makes us look forwisdom inside.368. Om Pasyanthi Namah - She who sees everything withinherself.369. Om Para Devatha Namah - She who gives power to all gods.370. Om Madhyama Namah - She who is in the middle of everything.371. Om Vaikhari Roopa Namah - She who is of the form withwords.372. Om Bhaktha Manasa Hamsikha Namah - She who is like a swanin the lake called mind.373. Om Kameshwara Prana Nadi Namah - She who is the life sourceof Kameswara.374. Om Kruthagna Namah - She who watches all actions of everyone or she who knows all.375. Om Kama Poojitha Namah - She who is being worshipped by thegod of love in the kama giri peeta of Mooladhara Chakra - Kama.376. Om Srungara Rasa Sampoorna Namah - She who is lovely.377. Om Jayaa Namah - She who is personification of victory.378. Om Jalandhara Sthitha Namah - She who is on Jalandharapeetha or who is purest of pure.379. Om Odyana Peeda Nilaya Namah - She who is on Odyana peethaor she who lives in orders.380. Om Bindu Mandala Vaasini Namah - She who lives in the dotin the center of Sri Chakra.381. Om Raho Yoga Kramaradhya Namah - She who can be worshippedby secret sacrificial rites.382. Om Rahas Tarpana Tarpitha Namah - She who is pleased ofchants knowing its meaning.383. Om Sadya Prasadini Namah - She who is pleased immediately.384. Om Viswa Sakshini Namah - She who is the witness for theuniverse.385. Om Sakshi Varjitha Namah - She who does not have witnessfor herself.386. Om Shadanga Devatha Yuktha Namah - She who has her sixparts as gods viz., heart, head, hair, battle dress, eyes andarrows.387. Om Shadgunya Paripooritha Namah - She who is full of sixcharacteristics viz., wealth, duty, fame, knowledge, assets andrenunciation.388. Om Nithya Klinna Namah - She in whose heart there is alwaysmercy.389. Om Nirupama Namah - She who does not have anything to becompared to.390. Om Nirvanasukha Dayini Namah - She who gives redemption.391. Om Nithya Shodasika Roopa Namah - She who is of the formsixteen goddesses.392. Om Sri Kandartha Sareerini Namah - She who occupies halfthe body of Lord Shiva.393. Om Prabhavathi Namah - She who is lustrous of supernaturalpowers.394. Om Prabha Roopa Namah - She who is personification of lightprovided by super natural powers.395. Om Prasiddha Namah - She who is famous.396. Om Parameshwari Namah - She who is the ultimate goddess.397. Om Moola Prakrithi Namah - She who is the root cause.398. Om Avyaktha Namah - She who is not clearly seen.399. Om Vyktha Avyaktha Swaroopini Namah - She who is visibleand not visible.400. Om Vyapini Namah - She who is spread everywhere.401. Om Vividhakara Namah - She who has several different forms.402. Om Vidhya Avidhya Swaroopini Namah - She who is the form ofknowledge as well as ignorance.403. Om Maha Kamesha Nayana Kumudahladha Kaumudhi Namah - Shewho is like the full moon which opens the lotus like eyes ofLord Kameshwara.404. Om Bhaktha Hardha Thamo Bedha Bhanu Mat Bhanu SanthathiNamah - She who is like the sun's rays which remove the darknessfrom the heart of devotees.405. Om Shivadhoothi Namah - She who sent Shiva as herrepresentative.406. Om Shivaradhya Namah - She who is worshipped by Lord Shiva.407. Om Shiva Moorthi Namah - She who is of the form of LordShiva.408. Om Shivangari Namah - She who makes good to happen.409. Om Shiva Priya Namah - She who is dear to Lord Shiva.410. Om Shivapara Namah - She who does not have any otherinterest except Lord Shiva.411. Om Shishteshta Namah - She who likes people with goodhabits.412. Om Shishta Poojitha Namah - She who is being worshipped bygood people.413. Om Aprameya Namah - She who cannot be measured.414. Om Swaprakasha Namah - She who has her own luster.415. Om Mano Vachama Gochara Namah - She who is beyond the mindand the word.416. Om Chitsakthi Namah - She who is the strength of holyknowledge.417. Om Chethana Roopa Namah - She who is the personification ofthe power behind action.418. Om Jada Shakthi Namah - She who is the strength of theimmobile.419. Om Jadathmikha Namah - She who is the world of immobile.420. Om Gayathri Namah - She who is Gayathri.421. Om Vyahruthi Namah - She who is the grammar originatingfrom letters.422. Om Sandhya Namah - She who is the union of souls and theGod.423. Om Dwija Brinda Nishewitha Namah - She who is beingworshipped by all beings.424. Om Tatwasana Namah - She who sits on principles.425. Om Tat Namah - She who is that.426. Om Twam Namah - She who is you.427. Om Ayee Namah - She who is the mother.428. Om Pancha Kosandara Sthitha Namah - She who is in betweenthe five holy parts.429. Om Nissema Mahima Namah - She who has limitless fame.430. Om Nithya Youawana Namah - She who is ever young.431. Om Madha Shalini Namah - She who shines by her exuberance.432. Om Madha Goornitha Rakthakshi Namah - She who has rotatingred eyes due to her exuberance.433. Om Madha Patala Khandaboo Namah - She who has red cheeksdue to excessive action.434. Om Chandana Drava Dhigdhangi Namah - She who applies sandalpaste all over her body.435. Om Champeya Kusuma Priya Namah - She who likes the flowersof Champaka tree.436. Om Kusala Namah - She who is intelligent.437. Om Komalakara Namah - She who has soft beautiful form.438. Om Kuru Kulla Namah - She who is of the form of Kuru kullaDevi who lives in Vimarsa.439. Om Kuleshwari Namah - She who is the goddess for the clan.440. Om Kula Kundalaya Namah - She who lives in kula kunda orshe who is the power called Kundalani.441. Om Kaula Marga That Para Sevitha Namah - She who is beingworshipped by people who follow Kaula matha.442. Om Kumara Gana Nadambha Namah - She who is mother toGanesha and Subrahmanya.443. Om Thushti Namah - She who is personification of happiness.444. Om Pushti Namah - She who is personification of health.445. Om Mathi Namah - She who is personification of wisdom.446. Om Dhrithi Namah - She who is personification of courage.447. Om Santhi Namah - She who is peaceful.448. Om Swasthimathi Namah - She who always keeps well.449. Om Kanthi Namah - She who is personification of light.450. Om Nandhini Namah - She who is personification of Nadhinidaughter of Kama denu.451. Om Vigna Nasini Namah - She who removes obstacles.452. Om Tejowathi Namah - She who shines.453. Om Trinayana Namah - She who has three eyes.454. Om Lolakshi-Kamaroopini Namah - She who has wanderingpassionate eyes.455. Om Malini Namah - She who wears a garland.456. Om Hamsini Namah - She who is surrounded by swans.457. Om Matha Namah - She who is the mother.458. Om Malayachala Vasini Namah - She who lives in the MalayaMountain.459. Om Sumukhi Namah - She who has a pleasing disposition.460. Om Nalini Namah - She who is tender.461. Om Subru Namah - She who has beautiful eyelids.462. Om Shobhana Namah - She who brings good things.463. Om Sura Nayika Namah - She who is the leader of devas.464. Om Kala Kanti Namah - She who is the consort of the one whokilled the god of death.465. Om Kanthi Mathi Namah - She who has ethereal luster.466. Om Kshobhini Namah - She who creates high emotions or shewho gets agitated.467. Om Sukshma Roopini Namah - She who has a micro stature.468. Om Vajreshwari Namah - She who is Vajreswari (lord ofdiamonds) who occupies jalandhara peetha.469. Om Vamadevi Namah - She who is the consort of Vama deva.470. Om Vayovastha Vivarjitha Namah - She who does not changewith age.471. Om Sidheswari Namah - She who is the goddess of Siddhas(saints with super natural powers).472. Om Sidha Vidya Namah - She who is personification of panchadasa manthra (siddha vidya).473. Om Sidha Matha Namah - She who is the mother of Siddhas.474. Om Yasawini Namah - She who is famous.475. Om Vishudhichakra Nilaya Namah - She who is in sixteenpetalled lotus.476. Om Aarakthavarni Namah - She who is slightly red.477. Om Trilochana Namah - She who has three eyes.478. Om Khadwangadhi Prakarana Namah - She who has arms like thesword.479. Om Vadanaika Samavidha Namah - She who has one face.480. Om Payasanna Priya Namah - She who likes sweet rice(Payasam).481. Om Twakstha Namah - She who lives in the sensibility of theskin.482. Om Pasu Loka Bhayamkari Namah - She who creates fear foranimal like men.483. Om Amruthathi Maha Sakthi Samvrutha Namah - She who issurrounded by Maha shakthis like Amrutha, Karshini, Indrani,Eesani, uma, Urdwa kesi.484. Om Dakineeswari Namah - She who is goddess of the south(denoting death).485. Om Anahathabja Nilaya Namah - She who lives in the twelvepetalled lotus.486. Om Syamabha Namah - She who is greenish black.487. Om Vadanadwaya Namah - She who has two faces.488. Om Dhamshtrojwala Namah - She who shines with longprotruding teeth.489. Om Aksha Maladhi Dhara Namah - She who wears meditationchains.490. Om Rudhira Samsthida Namah - She who is in blood.491. Om Kala Rathryadhi Shakthi Youga Vrudha Namah - She who issurrounded by Shakthis like Kalarathri, Kanditha, Gayathri etc.492. Om Sniggdowdhana Priya Namah - She who likes Ghee mixedrice.493. Om Maha Veerendra Varadha Namah - She who gives boons togreat heroes or She who gives boons to great sages.494. Om Rakinyambha Swaroopini Namah - She who has names likerakini.495. Om Mani Poorabja Nilaya Namah - She who lives in tenpetalled lotus.496. Om Vadana Thraya Samyudha Namah - She who has three faces.497. Om Vajradhikayudhopetha Namah - She who has weapons likeVajrayudha.498. Om Damaryadhibhi Ravrutha Namah - She who is surrounded byGoddess like Damari.499. Om Raktha Varna Namah - She who is of the colour of blood.500. Om Mamsa Nishta Namah - She who is in flesh.501. Om Gudanna Preetha Manasa Namah - She who likes rice mixedwith jaggery.502. Om Samastha Bhaktha Sukhadha Namah - She who gives pleasureto all her devotees.503. Om Lakinyambha Swaroopini Namah - She who is famous in thename of Lakini.504. Om Swadhishtanambujagatha Namah - She who lives in the sixpetalled lotus.505. Om Chathur Vakthra Manohara Namah - She who has fourbeautiful faces.506. Om Sulayudha Sampanna Namah - She who has weapons likeSpear.507. Om Peetha Varna Namah - She who is of golden colour.508. Om Adhi Garvitha Namah - She who is very proud.509. Om Medho Nishta Namah - She who is in the fatty layer.510. Om Madhu Preetha Namah - She who likes honey.511. Om Bhandinyadhi Samanvidha Namah - She who is surrounded byShakthis called Bandhini.512. Om Dhadyanna Saktha Hridhaya Namah - She who likes curdrice.513. Om Kakini Roopa Dharini Namah - She who resembles Kakini.514. Om Mooladrambujarooda Namah - She who sits on themooladhara kamala or the lotus which is the basic support.515. Om Pancha Vakthra Namah - She who has five faces.516. Om Sthithi Samsthitha Namah - She who is in the bones.517. Om Ankusathi Praharana Namah - She who holds Ankusha andother weapons.518. Om Varadadhi Nishevitha Namah - She who is surrounded byVardha and other shakthis.519. Om Mudgou Danasaktha Chittha Namah - She who likes ricemixed with green gram dhal.520. Om Sakinyambha Swaroopini Namah - She who has the nameSakini.521. Om Agna Chakrabja Nilaya Namah - She who sits on lotuscalled Agna Chakra (wheel of order).522. Om Shukla Varna Namah - She who is white coloured.523. Om Shadanana Namah - She who has six faces.524. Om Majja Samstha Namah - She who is in the fat surroundingthe body.525. Om Hamsavathi Mukhya Shakthi Samanvitha Namah - She who issurrounded by shakthis called Hamsavathi.526. Om Hardrannaika Rasika Namah - She who likes rice mixedwith turmeric powder.527. Om Hakini Roopa Dharini Namah - She who has the nameHakini.528. Om Sahasra Dhala Padhmastha Namah - She who sits onthousand petalled lotus.529. Om Sarva Varnopi Shobitha Namah - She who shines in allcolours.530. Om Sarvayudha Dhara Namah - She who is armed with allweapons.531. Om Shukla Samsthitha Namah - She who is in shukla or semen.532. Om Sarvathomukhi Namah - She who has faces everywhere.533. Om Sarvou Dhana Preetha Chittha Namah - She who likes alltypes of rice.534. Om Yakinyambha Swaroopini Namah - She who is named asYakini.535. Om Swaha Namah - She who is personification of Swaha (themanthra chanted during fire sacrifice).536. Om Swadha Namah - She who is of the form of Swadha.537. Om Amathi Namah - She who is ignorance.538. Om Medha Namah - She who is knowledge.539. Om Sruthi Namah - She who is Vedas.540. Om Smrithi Namah - She who is the guide to Vedas.541. Om Anuthama Namah - She who is above all.542. Om Punya Keerthi Namah - She who is famous for good deeds.543. Om Punya Labhya Namah - She who can be attained by gooddeeds.544. Om Punya Sravana Keerthana Namah - She who gives good forthose who listen and those who sing about her.545. Om Pulomajarchidha Namah - She who is worshipped by wife ofIndra.546. Om Bandha Mochini Namah - She who releases us from bondage.547. Om Barbharalaka Namah - She who has forelocks whichresembles waves.548. Om Vimarsa Roopini Namah - She who is hidden from view.549. Om Vidhya Namah - She who is learning.550. Om Viyadhadhi Jagat Prasu Namah - She who created the earthand the sky.551. Om Sarva Vyadhi Prasamani Namah - She who cures alldiseases.552. Om Sarva Mrutyu Nivarini Namah - She who avoids all typesof death.553. Om Agra Ganya Namah - She who is at the top.554. Om Achintya Roopa Namah - She who is beyond thought.555. Om Kali Kalmasha Nasini Namah - She who removes the ills ofthe dark age.556. Om Kathyayini Namah - She who is Kathyayini in Odyanapeetha or she who is the daughter of sage Kathyayana.557. Om Kala Hanthri Namah - She who kills god of death.558. Om Kamalaksha Nishevitha Namah - She who is beingworshipped by the lotus eyed Vishnu.559. Om Thamboola Pooritha Mukhi Namah - She whose mouth isfilled with betel leaves, betel nut and lime.560. Om Dhadimi Kusuma Prabha Namah - She whose colour is likethe pomegranate bud.561. Om Mrgakshi Namah - She who has eyes like deer.562. Om Mohini Namah - She who bewitches.563. Om Mukhya Namah - She who is the chief.564. Om Mridani Namah - She who gives pleasure.565. Om Mithra Roopini Namah - She who is of the form of Sun.566. Om Nithya Truptha Namah - She who is satisfied always.567. Om Bhaktha Nidhi Namah - She who is the treasure house ofdevotees.568. Om Niyanthri Namah - She who controls.569. Om Nikhileswari Namah - She who is goddess for every thing.570. Om Maitryadhi Vasana Labhya Namah - She who can be attainedby habits like Maithree (friendship).571. Om Maha Pralaya Sakshini Namah - She who is the witness tothe great deluge.572. Om Para Shakthi Namah - She who is the end strength.573. Om Para Nishta Namah - She who is at the end ofconcentration.574. Om Prgnana Gana Roopini Namah - She who is personificationof all superior knowledge.575. Om Madhvi Pana Lasaa Namah - She who is not interested inanything else due to drinking of toddy.576. Om Matha Namah - She who appears to be fainted.577. Om Mathruka Varna Roopini Namah - She who is the model ofcolour and shape.578. Om Maha Kailasa Nilaya Namah - She who sits on MahaKailasa.579. Om Mrinala Mrudhu Dhorllatha Namah - She who has arms astender as lotus stalk.580. Om Mahaneeya Namah - She who is fit to be venerated.581. Om Dhaya Moorthi Namah - She who is personification ofmercy.582. Om Maha Samrajya Shalini Namah - She who is the chef of allthe worlds.583. Om Atma Vidhya Namah - She who is the science of soul.584. Om Maha Vidhya Namah - She who is the great knowledge.585. Om Srividhya Namah - She who is the knowledge of Goddess.586. Om Kama Sevitha Namah - She who is worshipped by Kama, theGod of love.587. Om Sri Shodasakshari Vidhya Namah - She who is the sixteenlettered knowledge.588. Om Trikoota Namah - She who is divided in to three parts.589. Om Kama Kotika Namah - She who sits on Kama Koti peetha.590. Om Kataksha Kimkari Bhootha Kamala Koti Sevitha Namah - Shewho is attended by crores of Lakshmis who yearn for her simpleglance.591. Om Shira Sthitha Namah - She who is in the head.592. Om Chandra Nibha Namah - She who is like the full moon.593. Om Bhalastha Namah - She who is in the forehead.594. Om Indra Dhanu Prabha Namah - She who is like the rain bow.595. Om Hridayastha Namah - She who is in the heart.596. Om Ravi Pragya Namah - She who has luster like Sun God.597. Om Tri Konanthara Deepika Namah - She who is like a lightin a triangle.598. Om Dakshayani Namah - She who is the daughter of Daksha.599. Om Dhithya Hanthri Namah - She who kills asuras.600. Om Daksha Yagna Vinasini Namah - She who destroyed thesacrifice of Rudra.601. Om Dharandholitha Deergakshi Namah - She who has long eyeswhich have slight movement.602. Om Dharahasojwalanmukhi Namah - She who has face thatglitters with her smile.603. Om Guru Moorthi Namah - She who is the teacher.604. Om Guna Nidhi Namah - She who is the treasure house of goodqualities.605. Om Gomatha Namah - She who is the mother cow.606. Om Guhajanma Bhoo Namah - She who is the birth place ofLord Subrahmanya.607. Om Deveshi Namah - She who is the goddess of Gods.608. Om Dhanda Neethistha Namah - She who judges and punishes.609. Om Dhaharakasa Roopini Namah - She who is of the form ofwide sky.610. Om Prathi Panmukhya Rakantha Thidhi Mandala Poojitha Namah- She who is being worshipped on all the fifteen days from fullmoon to new moon.611. Om Kalathmika Namah - She who is the soul of arts.612. Om Kala Nadha Namah - She who is the chief of arts.613. Om Kavya Labha Vimodhini Namah - She who enjoys beingdescribed in epics.614. Om Sachamara Rama Vani Savya Dhakshina Sevitha Namah - Shewho is being fanned by Lakshmi the goddess of wealth andSaraswathi the goddess of knowledge.615. Om Adishakthi Namah - She who is the primeval force.616. Om Ameya Namah - She who cannot be measured.617. Om Atma Namah - She who is the soul.618. Om Parama Namah - She who is better than all others.619. Om Pavana Krithi Namah - She who is personification ofpurity.620. Om Aneka Koti Bramanda Janani Namah - She who is mother ofseveral billions of universes.621. Om Divya Vigraha Namah - She who is beautifully made.622. Om Klim Karee Namah - She who is the shape of Klim.623. Om Kevalaa Namah - She who is she herself.624. Om Guhya Namah - She who is secret.625. Om Kaivalya Padha Dhayini Namah - She who gives redemptionas well as position.626. Om Tripura Namah - She who lives everything in threeaspects.627. Om Trijagat Vandhya Namah - She who is worshipped by all inthree worlds.628. Om Trimurthi Namah - She who is the trinity.629. Om Tri Daseswari Namah - She who is the goddess for allgods.630. Om Tryakshya Namah - She who is of the form of threeletters.631. Om Divya Gandhadya Namah - She who has godly smell.632. Om Sindhura Thila Kanchidha Namah - She who wears thesindhoora dot in her forehead.633. Om Uma Namah - She who is in Om.634. Om Sailendra Thanaya Namah - She who is the daughter of theking of mountains.635. Om Gowri Namah - She who is white coloured.636. Om Gandharwa Sevitha Namah - She who is worshipped bygandharwas.637. Om Viswa Grabha Namah - She who carries the universe in herbelly.638. Om Swarna Garbha Namah - She who is personification ofgold.639. Om Avaradha Namah - She who punishes bad people.640. Om Vagadeeswaree Namah - She who is the goddess of words.641. Om Dhyanagamya Namah - She who can be attained bymeditation.642. Om Aparichedya Namah - She who cannot be predicted to be ina certain place.643. Om Gnadha Namah - She who gives out knowledge.644. Om Gnana Vigraha Namah - She who is personification ofknowledge.645. Om Sarva Vedhantha Samvedya Namah - She who can be known byall Upanishads.646. Om Satyananda Swaroopini Namah - She who is personificationof truth and happiness.647. Om Lopa Mudrarchitha Namah - She who is worshipped by LopaMudhra the wife of Agasthya.648. Om Leela Kluptha Brahmanda Mandala Namah - She who createsthe different universes by simple play.649. Om Adurshya Namah - She who cannot be seen.650. Om Drusya Rahitha Namah - She who does not see thingsdifferently.651. Om Vignathree Namah - She who knows all sciences.652. Om Vedhya Varjitha Namah - She who does not have any needto know anything.653. Om Yogini Namah - She who is personification of Yoga.654. Om Yogadha Namah - She who gives knowledge and experienceof yoga.655. Om Yogya Namah - She who can be reached by yoga.656. Om Yogananda Namah - She who gets pleasure out of yoga.657. Om Yugandhara Namah - She who wears the yuga (Division ofeons of time).658. Om Iccha Shakthi Gnana Shakthi Kriya Shakthi SwaroopiniNamah - She who has desire as her head, Knowledge as her bodyand work as her feet.659. Om Sarvaadhara Namah - She who is the basis of everything.660. Om Suprathishta Namah - She who is the best place of stay.661. Om Sada Sadroopa Dharini Namah - She who always has truthin her.662. Om Ashta Moorthy Namah - She who has eight forms.663. Om Aja Jethree Namah - She who has won over ignorance.664. Om Loka Yathra Vidahyini Namah - She who makes the worldrotate (travel).665. Om Ekakini Namah - She who is only herself and alone.666. Om Bhooma Roopa Namah - She who is what we see, hear andunderstand.667. Om Nirdwaitha Namah - She who makes everything as one.668. Om Dwaitha Varjitha Namah - She who is away from more thanone.669. Om Annadha Namah - She who gives food.670. Om Vasudha Namah - She who gives wealth.671. Om Vriddha Namah - She who is old.672. Om Brhmatmykya Swaroopini Namah - She who merges herself inbrahma - the ultimate truth.673. Om Brihathi Namah - She who is big.674. Om Brahmani Namah - She who is the wife of Easwara.675. Om Brahmi Namah - She who has one aspect of Brahma.676. Om Brahmananda Namah - She who is the ultimate happiness.677. Om Bali Priya Namah - She who likes the strong.678. Om Bhasha Roopa Namah - She who is personification oflanguage.679. Om Brihat Sena Namah - She who has big army.680. Om Bhavabhava Vivarjitha Namah - She who does not havebirth or death.681. Om Sukharadhya Namah - She who can be worshipped withpleasure.682. Om Shubhakaree Namah - She who does good.683. Om Shobhana Sulabha Gathi Namah - She who is easy to attainand does only good.684. Om Raja Rajeswari Namah - She who is goddess to king ofkings like Devaraja, Yaksha Raja, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.685. Om Rajya Dhayini Namah - She who gives kingdoms likeVaikunta, kailasa etc.686. Om Rajya Vallabha Namah - She who likes such kingdoms.687. Om Rajat Krupa Namah - She whose mercy shines everywhere.688. Om Raja Peetha Nivesitha Nijasritha Namah - She who makespeople approaching her as kings.689. Om Rajya Lakshmi Namah - She who is the wealth of kingdoms.690. Om Kosa Natha Namah - She who protects the treasury.691. Om Chathuranga Baleswai Namah - She who is the leader ofthe four fold army (Mind, brain, thought and ego).692. Om Samrajya Dhayini Namah - She who makes you emperor.693. Om Sathya Sandha Namah - She who is truthful.694. Om Sagara Mekhala Namah - She who is the earth surroundedby the sea.695. Om Deekshitha Namah - She who gives the right to do firesacrifice.696. Om Dhaitya Shamani Namah - She who controls anti gods.697. Om Sarva Loka Vasam Kari Namah - She who keeps the entireworld within her control.698. Om Sarvartha Dhatri Namah - She who gives all wealth.699. Om Savithri Namah - She who is shines like the sun.700. Om Sachidananda Roopini Namah - She who is personificationof the ultimate truth.701. Om Desa Kala Parischinna Namah - She who is not divided byregion or time.702. Om Sarvaga Namah - She who is full of everywhere.703. Om Sarva Mohini Namah - She who attracts every thing.704. Om Saraswathi Namah - She who is the goddess of knowledge.705. Om Sasthra Mayi Namah - She who is the meaning of sciences.706. Om Guhamba Namah - She who is mother of Lord Subrahmanya(Guha).707. Om Guhya Roopini Namah - She whose form is hidden from all.708. Om Sarvo Padhi Vinirmuktha Namah - She who does not haveany doctrines.709. Om Sada Shiva Pathi Vritha Namah - She who is devoted wifefor all times to Lord Shiva.710. Om Sampradhayeshwari Namah - She who is goddess to ritualsor she who is goddess to teacher-student hierarchy.711. Om Sadhu Namah - She who is innocent.712. Om Ee Namah - She who is the letter e.713. Om Guru Mandala Roopini Namah - She who is the universearound teachers.714. Om Kulotheerna Namah - She who is beyond the group ofsenses.715. Om Bhagaradhya Namah - She who is to be worshipped in theuniverse round the sun.716. Om Maya Namah - She who is illusion.717. Om Madhumathi Namah - She who is the trance stage (seventh)in yoga.718. Om Mahee Namah - She who is personification of earth.719. Om Ganamba Namah - She who is mother to Ganesha and bhoothaganas.720. Om Guhyakaradhya Namah - She who should be worshipped insecret places.721. Om Komalangi Namah - She who has beautiful limbs.722. Om Guru Priya Namah - She who likes teachers.723. Om Swathanthra Namah - She who is independent.724. Om Sarwa Thanthresi Namah - She who is goddess to allthanthras (tricks to attain God).725. Om Dakshina Moorthi Roopini Namah - She who is thepersonification of God facing South (teacher form of Shiva).726. Om Sanakadhi Samaradhya Namah - She who is being worshippedby Sanaka sages.727. Om Siva Gnana Pradhayini Namah - She who gives theknowledge of God.728. Om Chid Kala Namah - She who is the micro power deepwithin.729. Om Ananda Kalika Namah - She who is the happiness inbeings.730. Om Prema Roopa Namah - She who is the form of love.731. Om Priyamkaree Namah - She who does what is liked.732. Om Nama Parayana Preetha Namah - She who likes repetitionof her various names.733. Om Nandhi Vidhya Namah - She who is the knowledge taught byNandi Deva (bull god on whom Shiva rides).734. Om Nateshwaree Namah - She who is the goddess of dance.735. Om Mithya Jagat Athishtana Namah - She who is luck to thisworld of illusion.736. Om Mukthida Namah - She who gives redemption.737. Om Mukthi Roopini Namah - She who is redemption.738. Om Lasya Priya Namah - She who likes feminine dance.739. Om Laya Karee Namah - She who is the bridge between danceand music.740. Om Lajja Namah - She who is shy.741. Om Rambha Adhi Vandhitha Namah - She who is worshipped bythe celestial dancers.742. Om Bhava Dhava Sudha Vrishti Namah - She who douses theforest fire of the sad life of mortals with a rain of nectar. .743. Om Paparanya Dhavanala Namah - She who is the forest firethat destroys the forest of sin.744. Om Daurbhagya Thoolavathoola Namah - She who is the cyclonethat blows away the cotton of bad luck. .745. Om Jaradwanthara Viprabha Namah - She who is the suns raysthat swallows the darkness of old age.746. Om Bhagyabdhi Chandrika Namah - She who is the full moon tothe sea of luck.747. Om Bhaktha Chitta Keki Ganagana Namah - She who is theblack cloud to the peacock which is he devotees mind.748. Om Roga Parvatha Dhambola Namah - She who is the Vajraweapon which breaks the sickness which is like the mountain.749. Om Mrutyu Dharu Kudarika Namah - She who is like the axewhich fells the tree of death.750. Om Maheswaree Namah - She who is the greatest goddess.751. Om Maha Kali Namah - She who is the great Kalee.752. Om Maha Grasa Namah - She who is like a great drinkingbowl.753. Om Mahasana Namah - She who is the great eater.754. Om Aparna Namah - She who did meditation without eveneating a leaf.755. Om Chandika Namah - She who is supremely angry.756. Om Chanda Mundasura Nishoodhini Namah - She who killed theasuras called Chanda and Munda.757. Om Ksharaksharathmika Namah - She who can never bedestroyed and also destroyed.758. Om Sarva Lokesi Namah - She who is goddess to all theworlds.759. Om Viswa Dharini Namah - She who carries the entireuniverse.760. Om Thrivarga Dhathri Namah - She who gives dharma, Assetsand pleasure.761. Om Subhaga Namah - She who is pleasing to look at.762. Om Thryambhaga Namah - She who has three eyes.763. Om Trigunathmika Namah - She who is personification ofthree gunas viz., Thamo (Kali), Rajo (Dhurga) and Sathva(Parvathy).764. Om Swargapavargadha Namah - She who gives heaven and theway to it.765. Om Shuddha Namah - She who is clean.766. Om Japapushpa Nibhakrithi Namah - She who has the colour ofhibiscus.767. Om Ojovathi Namah - She who is full of vigour.768. Om Dhyuthidhara Namah - She who has light.769. Om Yagna Roopa Namah - She who is of the form of sacrifice.770. Om Priyavrudha Namah - She who likes penances.771. Om Dhuraradhya Namah - She who is rarely available forworship.772. Om Dhuradharsha Namah - She who cannot be won.773. Om Patali Kusuma Priya Namah - She who likes the buds ofPatali tree.774. Om Mahathi Namah - She who is big.775. Om Meru Nilaya Namah - She who lives in Meru Mountain.776. Om Mandhara Kusuma Priya Namah - She who likes the buds ofMandhara tree.777. Om Veeraradhya Namah - She who is worshipped by heroes.778. Om Virad Roopa Namah - She who a universal look.779. Om Viraja Namah - She who does not have any blemish.780. Om Viswathomukhi Namah - She who sees through every oneseyes.781. Om Prathyg Roopa Namah - She who can be seen by lookinginside.782. Om Parakasa Namah - She who is the great sky.783. Om Pranadha Namah - She who gives the soul.784. Om Prana Roopini Namah - She who is the soul.785. Om Marthanda Bhairavaradhya Namah - She who is beingworshipped by Marthanda Bhairava.786. Om Manthrini Nyashtha Rajyadhoo Namah - She who gave powerto rule to her form of Manthrini.787. Om Tripuresi Namah - She who is the head of three cities.788. Om Jayatsena Namah - She who has an army which wins.789. Om Nistrai Gunya Namah - She who is above the threequalities.790. Om Parapara Namah - She who is outside and inside.791. Om Satya Gnananda Roopa Namah - She who is personificationof truth, knowledge and happiness.792. Om Samarasya Parayana Namah - She who stands in peace.793. Om Kapardhini Namah - She who is the wife of Kapardhi (Sivawith hair).794. Om Kalamala Namah - She who wears arts as garlands.795. Om Kamadhukh Namah - She who fulfills desires.796. Om Kama Roopini Namah - She who can take any form.797. Om Kala Nidhi Namah - She who is the treasure of arts.798. Om Kavya Kala Namah - She who is the art of writing.799. Om Rasagna Namah - She who appreciates arts.800. Om Rasa Sevadhi Namah - She who is the treasure of arts.801. Om Pushta Namah - She who is healthy.802. Om Purathana Namah - She who is ancient.803. Om Poojya Namah - She who is fit to be worshipped.804. Om Pushkara Namah - She who gives exuberance.805. Om Pushkarekshana Namah - She who has lotus like eyes.806. Om Paramjyothi Namah - She who is the ultimate light.807. Om Param Dhama Namah - She who is the ultimate restingplace.808. Om Paramanu Namah - She who is the ultimate atom.809. Om Parath Para Namah - She who is better than the best.810. Om Pasa Hastha Namah - She who has rope in her hand.811. Om Pasa Hanthri Namah - She who cuts off attachment.812. Om Para Manthra Vibhedini Namah - She who destroys theeffect of spells cast.813. Om Moortha Namah - She who has a form.814. Om Amoortha Namah - She who does not have a form.815. Om Anithya Thriptha Namah - She who gets happy with prayersusing temporary things.816. Om Muni Manasa Hamsika Namah - She who is the swan in themind (lake like) of sages.817. Om Satya Vritha Namah - She who has resolved to speak onlytruth.818. Om Sathya Roopa Namah - She who is the real form.819. Om Sarvantharyamini Namah - She who is within everything.820. Om Sathee Namah - She who is Sathee the daughter of Daksha.821. Om Brahmani Namah - She who is the strength behind creator.822. Om Brahmaa Namah - She who is the creator.823. Om Janani Namah - She who is the mother.824. Om Bahu Roopa Namah - She who has several forms.825. Om Budharchitha Namah - She who is being worshipped by theenlightened.826. Om Prasavithri Namah - She who has given birth toeverything.827. Om Prachanda Namah - She who is very angry.828. Om Aagna Namah - She who is the order.829. Om Prathishta Namah - She who has been installed.830. Om Prakata Krithi Namah - She who is clearly visible.831. Om Praneshwari Namah - She who is goddess to the soul.832. Om Prana Dhatri Namah - She who gives the soul.833. Om Panchast Peeta Roopini Namah - She who is in fiftyShakthi Peethas.834. Om Vishungala Namah - She who is not chained.835. Om Vivikthastha Namah - She who is in lonely places.836. Om Veera Matha Namah - She who is the mother of heroes.837. Om Viyat Prasoo Namah - She who has created the sky.838. Om Mukundaa Namah - She who gives redemption.839. Om Mukthi Nilaya Namah - She who is the seat of redemption.840. Om Moola Vigraha Roopini Namah - She who is the basicstatue.841. Om Bavagna Namah - She who understands wishes and thoughts.842. Om Bhava Rokagni Namah - She who cures the sin of birth.843. Om Bhava Chakra Pravarthani Namah - She makes the wheel ofbirth rotate.844. Om Chanda Sara Namah - She who is the meaning of Vedas.845. Om Sasthra Sara Namah - She who is the meaning of Puranas(epics).846. Om Manthra Sara Namah - She who is the meaning of Manthras(chants).847. Om Thalodharee Namah - She who has a small belly.848. Om Udara Keerthi Namah - She who has wide and tall fame.849. Om Uddhhama Vaibhava Namah - She who has immeasurable fame.850. Om Varna Roopini Namah - She who is personification ofalphabets.851. Om Janma Mrutyu Jara Thaptha Jana Vishranthi Dhayini Namah- She who is the panacea of ills of birth, death and aging.852. Om Sarvopanisha Dhudh Gushta Namah - She who is beingloudly announced as the greatest by Upanishads.853. Om Shantyathheetha Kalathmika Namah - She who is a greaterart than peace.854. Om Gambheera Namah - She whose depth cannot be measured.855. Om Gagananthastha Namah - She who is situated in the sky.856. Om Garvitha Namah - She who is proud.857. Om Gana Lolupa Namah - She who likes songs.858. Om Kalpana Rahitha Namah - She who does not imagine.859. Om Kashta Namah - She who is in the ultimate boundary.860. Om Akantha Namah - She who removes sins.861. Om Kanthatha Vigraha Namah - She who is half of her husband(kantha).862. Om Karya Karana Nirmuktha Namah - She who is beyond theaction and the cause.863. Om Kama Keli Tharangitha Namah - She who is the waves ofsea which is play of God.864. Om Kanath Kanaka Thadanga Namah - She who wears theglittering golden ear studs.865. Om Leela Vigraha Dharini Namah - She who assumes severalforms as play.866. Om Ajha Namah - She who does not have birth.867. Om Kshaya Nirmuktha Namah - She who does not have death.868. Om Gubdha Namah - She who is beautiful.869. Om Ksipra Prasadhini Namah - She who is pleased quickly.870. Om Anthar Mukha Samaradhya Namah - She who is worshipped byinternal thoughts.871. Om Bahir Mukha Sudurlabha Namah - She who can be attainedby external prayers.872. Om Thrayee Namah - She who is of the form of three Vedasviz Rik, Yajur and Sama.873. Om Trivarga Nilaya Namah - She who is in three aspects ofself, assets and pleasure.874. Om Thristha Namah - She who is in three.875. Om Tripura Malini Namah - She who is in tripura the sixthsection of Sri Chakra.876. Om Niramaya Namah - She who is without diseases.877. Om Niralamba Namah - She who does not need another birth.878. Om Swatma Rama Namah - She who enjoys within herself.879. Om Sudha Sruthi Namah - She who is the rain of nectar.880. Om Samsara Panga Nirmagna Samuddharana Panditha Namah - Shewho is capable of saving people who drown in the mud of daytoday life.881. Om Yagna Priya Namah - She who likes fire sacrifice.882. Om Yagna Karthree Namah - She who carries out firesacrifice.883. Om Yajamana Swaroopini Namah - She who is the doer of firesacrifice.884. Om Dharma Dhara Namah - She who is the basis of Dharma-therightful action.885. Om Dhanadyaksha Namah - She who presides over wealth.886. Om Dhanadhanya Vivardhani Namah - She who makes wealth andgrain to grow.887. Om Vipra Priya Namah - She who likes those who learn Vedas.888. Om Vipra Roopa Namah - She who is the learner of Vedas.889. Om Viswa Brhamana Karini Namah - She who makes the universeto rotate.890. Om Viswa Grasa Namah - She who eats the universe in onehandful.891. Om Vidhrumabha Namah - She who has the luster of coral.892. Om Vaishnavi Namah - She who is the power of Vishnu.893. Om Vishnu Roopini Namah - She who is Vishnu.894. Om Ayoni Namah - She who does not have a cause or she whois not born.895. Om Yoni Nilaya Namah - She who is the cause and source ofeverything.896. Om Kootastha Namah - She who is stable.897. Om Kula Roopini Namah - She who is personification ofculture.898. Om Veera Goshti Priya Namah - She who likes company ofheroes.899. Om Veera Namah - She who has valour.900. Om Naish Karmya Namah - She who does not have attachment toaction.901. Om Nadha Roopini Namah - She who is the form of sound.902. Om Vignana Kalana Namah - She who makes science.903. Om Kalya Namah - She who is expert in arts.904. Om Vidhagdha Namah - She who is an expert.905. Om Baindavasana Namah - She who sits in the dot of thethousand petalled lotus.906. Om Tathwadhika Namah - She who is above all metaphysics.907. Om Tatwa Mayee Namah - She who is Metaphysics.908. Om Tatwa Martha Swaroopini Namah - She who ispersonification of this and that.909. Om Sama Gana Priya Namah - She who likes singing of Sama.910. Om Soumya Namah - She who is peaceful or she who is aspretty as the moon.911. Om Sada Shiva Kutumbini Namah - She who is consort of Sadashiva.912. Om Savyapa Savya Margastha Namah - She who is birth, deathand living or she who likes the priestly and tantric methods.913. Om Sarva Apadvi Nivarini Namah - She who removes alldangers.914. Om Swastha Namah - She who has everything within her or shewho is peaceful.915. Om Swabhava Madura Namah - She who is by nature sweet.916. Om Dheera Namah - She who is courageous.917. Om Dheera Samarchida Namah - She who is being worshipped bythe courageous.918. Om Chaithnyarkya Samaradhya Namah - She who is worshippedby ablation of water.919. Om Chaitanya Kusuma Priya Namah - She who likes the neverfading flowers.920. Om Saddothitha Namah - She who never sets.921. Om Sadha Thushta Namah - She who is always happy.922. Om Tharunadithya Patala Namah - She who like the young sonis red mixed with white.923. Om Dakshina Daksinaradhya Namah - She who is worshipped bylearned and ignorant.924. Om Dharasmera Mukhambuja Namah - She who has a smiling facelike full bloom lotus.925. Om Kaulini Kevala Namah - She who is mixture of the koulaand kevala methods.926. Om Anargya Kaivalya Pada Dhayini Namah - She who givesimmeasurable heavenly stature.927. Om Stotra Priya Namah - She who likes chants.928. Om Sthuthi Mathi Namah - She who gives boons for those whosing her chants.929. Om Sthuthi Samsthutha Vaibhava Namah - She who isworshipped by the Vedas.930. Om Manaswaini Namah - She who has a stable mind.931. Om Manavathi Namah - She who has big heart.932. Om Mahesi Namah - She who is the greatest goddess.933. Om Mangala Kruthi Namah - She who does only good.934. Om Viswa Matha Namah - She who is the mother of theuniverse.935. Om Jagat Dhathri Namah - She who supports the world.936. Om Visalakshi Namah - She who is broad eyed.937. Om Viragini Namah - She who has renounced.938. Om Pragalbha Namah - She who is courageous.939. Om Paramodhara Namah - She who is great giver.940. Om Paramodha Namah - She who has great happiness.941. Om Manomayi Namah - She who is one with mind.942. Om Vyoma Kesi Namah - She who is the wife of Shiva who hassky as his hair.943. Om Vimanastha Namah - She who is at the top.944. Om Vajrini Namah - She who has Indra's wife as a part.945. Om Vamakeshwaree Namah - She who is goddess of the peoplewho follow the left path.946. Om Pancha Yagna Priya Namah - She who likes the fivesacrifices.947. Om Pancha Pretha Manchadhi Sayini Namah - She who sleeps onthe cot made of five corpses.948. Om Panchami Namah - She who is the consort of Sadshiva -the fifth of the pancha brahmas.949. Om Pancha Bhoothesi Namah - She who is Chief of PanchaBhoothas.950. Om Pancha Sankhyopacharini Namah - She who is to beworshipped by five methods of Gandha (sandal wood), Pushpa(flower), Dhoopa (incense), dheepa (light), Naivedya (offering).951. Om Saswathi Namah - She who is permanent.952. Om Saswathaiswarya Namah - She who gives perennial wealth.953. Om Sarmadha Namah - She who gives pleasure.954. Om Sambhu Mohini Namah - She who bewitches Lord Shiva.955. Om Dhara Namah - She who carries (beings like earth).956. Om Dharasutha Namah - She who is the daughter of themountain.957. Om Dhanya Namah - She who has all sort of wealth.958. Om Dharmini Namah - She who likes dharma.959. Om Dharma Vardhini Namah - She who makes dharma grow.960. Om Loka Theetha Namah - She who is beyond the world.961. Om Guna Theetha Namah - She who is beyond properties.962. Om Sarvatheetha Namah - She who is beyond everything.963. Om Samathmika Namah - She who is peace.964. Om Bhandhooka Kusuma Prakhya Namah - She who has glitter ofbhandhooka flowers.965. Om Bala Namah - She who is a young maiden.966. Om Leela Vinodhini Namah - She who loves to play.967. Om Sumangali Namah - She who gives all good things.968. Om Sukha Kari Namah - She who gives pleasure.969. Om Suveshadya Namah - She who is well made up.970. Om Suvasini Namah - She who is sweet scented (marriedwoman).971. Om Suvasinyarchana Preetha Namah - She who likes theworship of married woman.972. Om Aashobhana Namah - She who has full glitter.973. Om Shuddha Manasa Namah - She who has a clean mind.974. Om Bindhu Tharpana Santhushta Namah - She who is happy withthe offering in the dot of Ananda maya chakra.975. Om Poorvaja Namah - She who preceded every one.976. Om Tripurambika Namah - She who is the goddess of threecities.977. Om Dasa Mudhra Samaradhya Namah - She who is worshipped byten mudras (postures of the hand).978. Om Thrpura Sree Vasankari Namah - She who keeps the goddessTripura sree.979. Om Gnana Mudhra Namah - She who shows the symbol ofknowledge.980. Om Gnana Gamya Namah - She who can be attained byknowledge.981. Om Gnana Gneya Swaroopini Namah - She who is what isthought and the thought.982. Om Yoni Mudhra Namah - She who shows the symbol ofpleasure.983. Om Trikhandesi Namah - She who is the lord of three zonesof fire, moon and sun.984. Om Triguna Namah - She who is three characters.985. Om Amba Namah - She who is the mother.986. Om Trikonaga Namah - She who has attained at all verticesof a triangle.987. Om Anaga Namah - She who is not neared by sin.988. Om Adbutha Charithra Namah - She who has a wonderfulhistory.989. Om Vanchithartha Pradayini Namah - She who gives what isdesired.990. Om Abhyasathisaya Gnatha Namah - She who can be realized byconstant practice.991. Om Shaddwatheetha Roopini Namah - She who supersedes thesix methods of prayers.992. Om Avyaja Karuna Moorhy Namah - She who shows mercy withoutreason.993. Om Agnana Dwantha Deepika Namah - She who is the lamp thatdrives away ignorance.994. Om Abala Gopa Vidhitha Namah - She who is worshipped by allright from children and cowherds.995. Om Sarvan Ullangya Sasana Namah - She whose orders cannever be disobeyed.996. Om Sri Chakra Raja Nilaya Namah - She who lives in SriChakra.997. Om Sri Math Thripura Sundari Namah - She who is thebeautiful goddess of wealth who is consort of the Lord ofTripura.998. Om Sri Shivaa Namah - She who is the eternal peace.999. Om Shiva Shakthaikya Roopini Namah - She who is unificationof Shiva and Shakthi.1000. Om Lalithambika Namah - She who is the easily approachablemother.

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